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Logger1000, TÜV SÜD Tarafından EN 18031 AB Siber Güvenlik Sertifikasını Aldı

Logger1000'in kısa süre önce PV endüstrisinde zorlu EN 18031 AB siber güvenlik sertifikasını alan ilk ürünlerden biri olmasıyla önemli bir kilometre taşına ulaştı.


İşveç'in Yenilenebilir Enerji Altyapısı Hız Kazanıyor: İlk Hibrit Solar Tesislerinden Biri Halmstad'da Faaliyete Geçti

Daha sürdürülebilir ve sürdürülebilir bir enerji geleceğine doğru çığır açan bir adımla, İsveç'in ilk hibrit güneş parklarından biri Halmstad'da başarıyla kuruldu. 


Endüstri İçin Yeni Bir Güvenlik Standardı: Sungrow, Dünyanın En Büyük BESS Yangın Testinde Başarıya Ulaştı

Sungrow, PowerTitan 2.0 sıvı soğutmalı BESS’inin 20MWh’lık dünyanın en büyük ve en uzun yanma testini gerçekleştirdi.


Sungrow, BloombergNEF Tarafından Enerji Depolama Sistemleri ve PCS Alanında En Güvenilir Şirket Olarak Ödüllendirildi

Sungrow, BloombergNEF (BNEF) tarafından hem enerji depolama sistemi hem de Güç Dönüşüm Sistemi (PCS) sektörlerinde dünyanın en güvenilir şirketi olarak ödüllendirildi.


Sungrow BESS Temel Kılavuzu: Bileşenler, Batarya Türleri ve Amiral Gemisi Ürünler

Bir BESS birkaç temel bileşenden oluşur. Bu bileşenler birlikte enerji akışını verimli bir şekilde depolar ve yönetir. Sungrow gibi önde gelen markalar, en yeni batarya teknolojilerini kullanan entegre Sungrow BESS çözümleri sunmaktadır.


Sungrow Çözümleri Yunanistan’da Temiz Suya Hayat Veriyor

Sungrow, Yunan adası Kimolos'ta inşa edilen bir PV projesini donatmak üzere kendi ürün ve çözümlerinin seçildiğini duyurdu.


Sungrow İle Konut PV Sistemlerinde Esneklik ve Verimlilik Bir Arada

Sungrow, üç fazlı hibrit konut tipi PV invertörleriyle eşleştirilmek üzere tasarlanan daha küçük kapasiteli bataryası SBR064'ün yeni bir versiyonunu kullanıma sunuyor.


Sungrow 2024 Yılının İlk Yarısında Bir Önceki Yıla Göre %8,38 Artışla 4,4 Milyar Dolar Net Gelir Elde Etti

Dünya çapında tanınan yenilenebilir enerji şirketi Sungrow, geçtiğimiz günlerde 2024 yılının ilk yarısına ilişkin mali sonuçlarını açıkladı. 


Sungrow Avrupa'da İlk BESS PowerTitan 2.0 Ünitelerini Teslim Etti

Sungrow, son teknoloji Batarya Enerji Depolama Sistemi (BESS) PowerTitan 2.0 ünitelerinin Avrupa'daki ilk teslimatını duyurmaktan heyecan duyuyor!


Sungrow, 2023 Yılı PV İnvertör Sevkiyatında Dünya Çapında 1 Numaralı Konumunu Koruyor

Sungrow, S&P Global Commodity Insights'a göre 2023 küresel PV invertör sevkiyatı sıralamasında en üst sırada yer alarak olağanüstü yetenekleriyle konumunu bir kez daha teyit etti.


Intersolar Europe 2024: Sungrow Bir Çok Yenilikçi Ürün ve Çözümünü Tanıtarak Gündemde Olacak

Dünyanın önde gelen PV invertör ve enerji depolama sistemi üreticisi Sungrow, dünya çapında güneş enerjisi sektörünün önde gelen fuarı Intersolar Europe 2024'e (19-21 Haziran) damgasını vurmayı hedefliyor.


Sungrow, Daha Yeşil Bir Gelecek Taahhüdünü Vurgulayan 2023 Sürdürülebilirlik Raporunu Yayınladı

Dünyanın önde gelen PV invertör ve enerji depolama sistemi üreticisi Sungrow, kısa süre önce 2023 Sürdürülebilirlik Raporu'nu yayınladı. 


Sürdürülebilirlik Sanatı: Sungrow'un İnvertör Teknolojisi Barselona'da Yenilikçi Bir Projeyi Güçlendiriyor

Dünyanın önde gelen PV invertör ve enerji depolama sistemi üreticisi Sungrow, SG110CX dizi invertörünün Avrupa'daki en yenilikçi ve etkileyici PV sistem uygulamalarından birinde kullanılmış olmasından dolayı büyük heyecan duyuyor. 


Daha fazla güç, daha fazla depolama, daha çok huzur: Sungrow, PV Sistemleri için Standartları Yeniden Tanımlayan Yeni 3 Fazlı Hibrit Çözümünü Tanıttı

Dünya çapında tanınan PV invertör ve enerji depolama sistemleri üreticisi Sungrow, yeni 3 Fazlı Hibrit Çözümünü gururla sunar.


Geleceğinize Güç Verin: Sungrow Enerji Dönüşümünü Hızlandırmak Üzere PowerTitan2.0'ı Avrupa'da Tanıttı

  Sungrow, İspanya'nın Madrid kentinde "Geleceğinize Güç Verin - Sungrow PowerTitan2.0 Experience Day" düzenledi  


Sungrow iSolarCloud Web3.0'ı Tanıttı: Enerji Santrali Yönetim Çabalarınızı Kolaylaştırın ve Güçlendirin!

Dünyanın önde gelen invertör ve enerji depolama sistemi çözümleri üreticisi Sungrow, akıllı enerji tesisi yönetim sistemi iSolarCloud Web'in son sürümü 3.0'ı tanıttı.


Sungrow, yeni Hizmet ve Eğitim ağ geçidiyle Müşteri Hizmetlerine odaklandığını vurguladı

Dünyanın lider PV invertörü ve enerji depolama sistemi tedarikçisi Sungrow, kurulumcular için yeni Hizmet ve Eğitim ağ geçidini piyasaya sürdü. 


Sungrow, Fortune Future 50 Şirketi Arasında Yer Aldı!

Sungrow, prestijli 2023 Fortune Future 50 listesinde 12. sırayı aldı; bu, yenilenebilir enerji sektöründeki lider konumunu teyit eden taahhüdünün bir başka takdiridir.     


Sungrow, S&P Global Commodity Insights Tarafından Hesaplanana Göre 2022 Küresel PV İnvertör Teslimatında 1 Numarayı Koruyor

S&P Commodity Insights, Sungrow'un teslimat açısından 2022'de sevk edilen 77GWac PV invertör ile dünyanın bir numaralı PV invertör tedarikçisi olduğunu belirtiyor.


Sungrow Hits 2 GW Shipment of SG110CX for Vietnam Rooftops

Ho Chi Minh City, Dec 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that 2 GW of the Company’s featured commercial inverter SG110CX was shipped to Vietnam for the rooftop market in 2020, representing the Company's strong competitiveness and continued efforts in decarbonizing the local economy.


Sungrow Secures Contract of 90 MW Utility Scale Project in Germany

Munich, Germany, December 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, will provide its central and string inverter solutions to Enerparc's 90 MW project in Gaarz, Northeast of Germany.


Sungrow Adds 95 MWac of PV Installations to Its Kazakhstan Portfolio     

Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, Nov. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that 95 MWac of 1500V medium-voltage central inverter solutions were operational well in Total Eren’s two solar PV projects in Kazakhstan to fully support the Central Asian renewable ambition.     


Sungrow Bags the Contract to Supply Inverters to Two of the Largest Subsidy-free Solar Farms in the UK     

Milton Keynes, the United Kingdom, November 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced its contract with Bouygues Energies & Services to supply inverter solutions for two of the largest subsidy-free solar farms in  the UK.   


Sungrow Crosses 1 GW of PV Inverter Shipment in Chile   

 Santiago, Chile, October 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that the Company hit 1 GW PV inverter cumulative shipment to Chile and took the first place in the shipment ranking in Chile this year, contributing to the Chilean renewable energy deployment and coal power phase-out national targets.     


Sungrow Receives the World’s First DC Arc Detection and Interruption Technical Report for SG110CX from TÜV SÜD     

Hefei, China, October 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that it received the world’s first DC arc detection and interruption technical report issued by TÜV SÜD. The report outlines Sungrow SG110CX has been tested according to the newly recognized international standard IEC 63027 ED1 (draft), 82/1636/CDV, underlining the global leading position on product reliability and safety.   


Sungrow Bags 800 MWp PV Inverter Solution Contract in Qatar     

Doha, Qatar, October 8, 2020 -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that it will power the 800 MWp Al Kharsaa project in Qatar with featured 1500V string inverter SG250HX. The project is noteworthy as the third-largest solar plant in the world and the first utility-scale solar project in Qatar. It’s planned to be fully operational before the 2022 World Cup, supporting Qatar National Vision 2030 by facilitating local economic decarbonization and sustainable development.     


Sungrow Celebrates the Commercial Operation of China’s Largest Solar-Plus-Storage Project     

Xining, China, September 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, celebrates the grid connection of China’s largest solar-plus-storage project teaming up with Huanghe Hydropower Development. Comprising of a 2.2 GW PV park and a 202.86MW/202.86MWh energy storage plant, the landmark project is connected to the 800kV ultra-high voltage power line, facilitating the transfer of power from the west of China to the country’s densely populated east.     


Sungrow Chairman Urges World to Unite on Climate Change -- Solar leader declares “red alert”     

 New York, the United States, September 23, 2020 -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, a member of RE100 as well, shares its insights on climate actions and devotes its expertise on urging the global communities to net-zero future during the Climate Week NYC 2020 taking place virtually on September 21-27, 2020.     


Sungrow Supplies Southeast Asia’s Largest Solar Installation-- A 350 MW Project in Vietnam Secures Sungrow’s Dominance in the Region

Luning, Vietnam, September 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announces that the Company supplies the latest 1500V 6.25 MW medium-voltage turnkey solution to 350 MW PV project in Luning County, Pingfu Province of Vietnam......


 Sungrow Signs a 900 MW Agreement to Supply 1500V Turnkey Inverter Solution to Dubai     

Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, September 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that the Company partnered with Shanghai Electric to supply its latest 1500V 6.25 MW turnkey solution to the 900 MW fifth phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai, illustrating its efforts in supporting Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and lowering the MENA region’s carbon footprint.     


Sungrow's 10-Year-Old Inverters Passed the Latest Weak Grid Evaluation Without Technical Reform     

 Hefei, China, September 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that its 10-year-old inverters have passed the latest stringent testing requirements of stable operation under the weak grid condition, making it the first and only company that meets this rigorous evaluation in China solely by upgrading software, without replacing with new inverters.     


 Sungrow 1H 2020 Fiscal Report: Revenues up 55.57% Year-on-Year      

Hefei, China, August 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, posted its 1H fiscal report in late August, showing a huge growth on revenue, underlining the solid financial result and strong competitiveness for the first half of 2020 despite the impact of the pandemic.                     


Sungrow Powers the Largest PV+Wind+Storage Complex in South Korea     

 Yeongam, South Korea, August 28, 2020 -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables confirmed that the Company supplied a 93 MWac project with its outdoor central inverter solutions. The project, recently put into commercial operation, is in Yeongam, South Jeolla province, South Korea. It is noteworthy as one out of the only two solar projects of approximate 100 MW capacity in the country, and milestone application as of the largest hybrid energy systems in the region. Part of the Largest PV+Wind+Storage Complex in South Korea Located in a 2.96 million square meters mountainous site in Daemyeong, Yeongam, about 340 km south of Seoul, the PV project is a part of the South Korean largest hybrid energy system integrating PV, wind and energy storage, featuring agility within a complicated landform and high humidity environment. The PV plant is expected to generate 120 GWh of clean energy per year, enough to power 30,000 households and equivalent to eliminating carbon dioxide by 56,000 tonnes. Daemyung Energy, the project’s developer, will sell renewable energy certificate (REC) to Korea South-East Power for solar power over 20 years, expected to raise about 30 billion Korean Won (24.9 million USD) per year. A wide portfolio of Sungrow outdoor central inverter solutions ranging from 1.25 MW to 3 MW were deployed on-site, offering an optimal performance given the advanced three-level topology technology. Equipped with multiple MPPTs, the solutions are ideal for mountainous installations. Armed with a high protection level of IP65 and a built-in PID recovery function, the solutions maintain unprecedented yieldsfor the plant even in high humid conditions. With a smart control unit (SCU) and being compliant with the power plant controller DER-AVM, the solutions enable timely online analysis and troubleshooting. Untapped Potential “The successful intake of the landmark project has enabled Sungrow to accumulate valuable experience and laid a solid foundation in the field of solar energy in South Korea. The challenge posed by the pandemic outbreak won’t stop Sungrow from providing the best effort at creating customer value and decarbonizing local economies,” said Hoseob Kim, Country Manager of Sungrow South Korea. Sungrow has over 1 GW of its inverter solutions deployed in South Korea as the leading solar player in both the utility-scale sector and distributed generation segment across the nation.  The Company has established a comprehensive local team offering responsive sales, technical support and after-sale service, ideally meeting local mounting demands - the South Korean MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) updated that installations of renewable energy will be increased from 12.7 GW to 42.7 GW and will account for 20% of the total energy by 2030. Sungrow also shows reliable and robust momentum in the global landscape as the only inverter supplier ranked 100% bankability by BloombergNEF for two consecutive years. Its latest 1H financial report shows a 55.57% year-on-year growth rate in revenue while the cumulative installations reaching 120 GW as of June 2020. About Sungrow Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd ("Sungrow") is the world's most bankable inverter brand with over 120 GW installed worldwide as ofJune 2020. Founded in 1997 by University ProfessorCao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader in the research and development of solar inverters, with the largest dedicated R&D team in the industry and a broad product portfolio offering PV inverter solutions and energy storage systems for utility-scale, commercial, and residential applications, as well as internationally recognized floating PV plant solutions. With a strong 23-year track record in the PV space, Sungrow products power installations in over 120 countries, maintaining a worldwide market share of over 15%. Learn more about Sungrow by visitingwww.sungrowpower.com.     


Sungrow PV Systems to Have Survived the Floodwaters for Over 7 Days

2020 is a tough year, but amazing things can happen! Sungrow PV systems were shown to operate stably in this 240kW flooded solar project! Thumbs up to Sungrow product quality!


SNEC 2020: Sungrow Debuts the 1500V LFP Lithium-ion ESS Solutions for a Variety of Installations     

Shanghai, China, August 9, 2020 -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, indicates a robust growth momentum toward the sustainable development by showcasing flagship PV and energy storage innovations at SNEC 2020. In particular, the latest 1500V LFP energy storage system (ESS) solutions for a full range of applications was released on-site.     


Sungrow Makes Significant Headway in South Korea with Latest Product Innovations

Daegu, South Korea, July 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, is showcasing the Company’s state-of-the-art PV and energy storage portfolio at this year’s South Korean Green Energy Expo which was postponed to July 15-17 due to the pandemic......


Sungrow Receives South Korean KS Compliance Certificate for Its Full Range of Commercial PV Portfolio

Seoul, South Korea, July 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced that the Company obtained the KS certificate issued by KEA (Korea Energy Agency) for its full range of commercial string inverters including......


Sungrow Releases 2019 CSR Report Elaborating Progress on Moving Toward a More Sustainable Future

HEFEI, China, June 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, has released its 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, elaborating its efforts in building a decarbonized and sustainable future for all stakeholders leveraging......


Sungrow Joins RE100 Affirming its Commitment to Source 100% Renewable Electricity by 2028

Hefei, China, May 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, today announced that it has joined RE100, a group of businesses committed to the use of renewable power, to switch its electricity used globally in its manufacturing and operations to......


Sungrow Received UL9540 Compliance Certificate for C&I Energy Storage System ST556kWh-250UD in the North American Market 

Hefei, China, May 27, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced recently that the Company’s energy storage system (ESS) had received the UL9540 certificate issued by TÜV Rheinland for North American C&I energy storage market......


Sungrow to support China’s 202.86MW/202.86MWh PV-plus-storage UHV project

Hefei, China, May 19, 2020 -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, recently announced that it is supplying PV inverter solutions and energy storage systems to a 202.86MW/202.86MWh PV-plus-storage project in Northwest China’s Qinghai Province......


Sungrow to Supply 1500V SG250HX Inverter Solutions to 500 MWac PV Plant in Oman

IBRI, Oman, May 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced it will supply 1500V SG250HX inverter solutions to the 500 MWac IBRI II project in Oman, which is the largest utility-scale PV plant in the Sultanate to date......


Hakkımızda daha fazlasını öğrenin, gelişmelerden haberdar olun.

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Dünyanın en sıcak endüstri etkinliklerine öncülük ediyoruz. Sungrow ile bağlantı kurun.

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Sungrow, endüstri teknolojileri ve pazar eğilimleri hakkında net bir kavrayış ve perspektif edinmenize yardımcı olur.

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18MW PV Plant in Dubai
Developer: Recurrent Energy
Owner: empra
EPC:Signal Energy
Location:Fresno, CA
Commissioned in Q4 2017
Developer: Recurrent Energy
Owner: empra
EPC:Signal Energy
Location:Fresno, CA
Commissioned in Q4 2017